Tom nan Clach Wind Farm
Operational Tom nan Clach Wind Farm

Dealing with Energy Issues

The need for more renewable energy sources is greater than ever. Rising power prices, fears over security of supply and climate change have put the issue of energy high in everyone’s mind. The importance of taking action to address the Climate Emergency is recognised both nationally and internationally and successive EU, UK and Scottish Governments have set clear obligations to this end. This has been done by establishing firm commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through, in part, the promotion and use of renewable energy.  National and regional authorities have acknowledged that renewable energy is an important solution to help meet the challenges of our modern lifestyle and its ever increasing energy demands. 


Not only will Nisthill Wind Farm contribute towards limiting the effect of climate change, but over the lifetime of the wind farm a substantial community benefit fund will be put forward totalling up to approximately £5million (based on £5,000/MW installed per annum). This fund would be for the sole use of the Orkney Islands community.

We will also encourage the community to consider becoming part-owners of the project. We will offer up to 10% shared-ownership which could see the communities of Orkney become significant community investors in renewable energy and thereby generate further revenues to be invested locally. Those revenues will be in addition to, not instead of, the community benefit outlined above.